Year 2011

contributors military bosnia and herzegovina af


Bosnia - Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina

by Federico Grattoni, Achille Vigna and ClaudioToselli

contributors military romanian police


Romania - Romanian Police Aviation Department

by Jakub Fojtik 

contributors military czech police


Czech Republic - Czech Police Aviation Department

by Jakub Fojtik

contributors military 20th anniversary croatian af


Croatia - 20th Anniversary of the Croatian Air Force - Zagreeb Pleso Air Base 

by Lucio Polo

contributors military 20 anniversario av 8b marina militare


Italy - 20th Anniversary for the italian AV 8B Harrier II - MariSTaer Grottaglie

by Raffaele Fusilli

contributors military operation harmattan


Greece - Operation Harmattan - Souda Bay Air Base

by Hans-Juergen Breuer

contributors military base tuono


Italy - Base Tuono - Passo Coe

by Omar Rigamonti

contributors military souda bay falcons


Greece - Hellenic Air Force F 16 Falcon - Souda Bay Air Base

by Hans-Juergen Breuer

contributors military stdizier air show 2011


France - Saint Dizier Air Show

by Lucio Polo

contributors military maks 2011


Russia - MAKS Air Show - Zhukovsky Air Base

by Dario Cocco

contributors military radom 2011


Poland - Radom Air Show

by Ugo Vicenzi

contributors military montenegro af


Montenegro - Montenegrin Air Force

by Federico Grattoni, Achille Vigna and Claudio Toselli

contributors military air power 2011


Austria - Airpower - Zeltweg Air Base

by Lucio Polo

contributors military 100th anniversary turkish af


Turkey - 100th Anniversary of the Turkish Air Force - Izmir/Cigli Air Base

by Alberto Mocchetti

contributors military 32 stormo 28 gruppo


Italy - Aeronautica Militare 32° Stormo 28° Gruppo VT - Amendola Air Base

by Claudio Toselli

contributors military 50th anniversary jg74


Germany - 50th Anniversary JG74 - Neuburg Air Base

by Alberto Mocchetti

contributors military jesolo 2011


Italy - Air Show Jesolo Air Extreme

by Omar Rigamonti and Luigi Sani

contributors military italian call 2011


Italy - Exercise Italian Call - Viterbo Air Base

by Raffaele Fusilli, Guglielmo Guglielmi, Gabriele Rigon and Luigi Sani

contributors military nato tiger meet 2011


France - NATO Tiger Meet - Cambrai Air Base

by Hans-Juergen Breuer and Aldo Ciarini

contributors military sezione aerea napoli


Italy - Guardia di Finanza Sezione Aerea Napoli

by Raffaele Fusilli, Alessandro Palantrani and Carlo Tripodi

contributors military winter hide 2011


Italy - Exercise Winter Hide - Grosseto Air Base

by Sergio Morari